FINALLY! "Bernie" is a movie worth watching

Bernie (9) got me back to the theater. Glad I went (for a change.)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Young Adult

Rating: 8
Starring: Charlize Theron, Dalton Oswald
Genre: Adult Drama

Charlize Theron's character, Marvis Gary, has been a mildly successful writer of cheap serial novels, but her career has peaked. The condo is a mess and she drinks too much. She is a bitter, unlikeable person who decides on a whim to go back to her hometown and reclaim her former jock boyfriend. Why? Just to prove that she can. But she's 20 years beyond high school and he is happily married. Doesn't matter. She regards "happily married" as an oxymoron. But her old prom-queen charms fail to work.

After one really awkward episode where she makes a fool of herself, you might think she would have been embarrassed enough to try a bit of redemption. Not so. She remains as unlikeable as ever and hits the road back to the big city. An interesting bonding occurs when she meets up with one the high school losers Charlize never gave the time of day to. He hands out some common sense advice that she disdains. This is a good movie. Charlize is one of the most versatile actresses around, although admittedly, her statuesque beauty can be a distraction.

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