FINALLY! "Bernie" is a movie worth watching

Bernie (9) got me back to the theater. Glad I went (for a change.)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Morning Glory

Rating: 6
Starring: Harrison Ford, Rachel McAdams, Diane Keaton, Jeff Goldblum
Genre: Mature Audience, Comedy
Time: 1:35

A movie can be fun to watch even though it’s been over-hyped and poorly crafted. An ambitious young TV producer (McAdams) talks her way into the job of trying to resurrect an early morning network show. Her job is made even more difficult by Ford who as co-host believes the role is beneath him and goes out of his way to show his contempt. McAdams, whose motor always seems to be in overdrive, managed to improve the program ratings by dumbing down the quality much to the displeasure of Ford. But as you might have guessed, all’s well that ends well. The characters are overdriven, and the story takes a big leap from reality.

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