FINALLY! "Bernie" is a movie worth watching

Bernie (9) got me back to the theater. Glad I went (for a change.)

Friday, October 14, 2011


Rating: 7
Starrring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogan, Anna Kendrick, Angelica Houston, Bryce Dallas Howard
Genre: Drama/Comedy

When Seth Rogan learns his best friend (Gordon-Levitt) has a 50/50 chance of surviving a rare spinal cancer, he says that's not too's better than the betting odds he usually gets. Rogan attempts to apply what he considers to be the best therapy -- going to bars to pick up women by playing the sympathy card.

Prodded by Rogan, Gordon-Levitt dumps his girlfriend (Howard) who has been checking on him. Kendrick enters the picture as a bumbling, inexperienced therapist. But there's a real connection between the two which plays out at crucial times. The movie is billed as a comedy, but it's pretty hard to consider a story about a guy with cancer as a comedy. Nevertheless, there are some good laughs, mostly delivered by Rogan. The characters are believable and the movie is quite watchable.

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